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Aani Ek Is an Artisanal Infused feni – handmade with love and spirited by big dreams, the love for the land and its mystique, and the desire to share all of this.

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Tika Guava

Chilli-infused Caju Feni
Salt+Chilli Rim
Guava juice
Dash of Lime J & Sugar
Shake & Pour on Ice

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  • What feni is used as the base?
  • For all our infusions, the base feni used is Cashew. Sourced from select sources across North Goa.
  • What flavours are available?
  • We prefer the word 'Infusions'. And Aani Ek is currently available in 3 infusions - Limon, Chilli and Honey+Cinnamon
  • Do you distill the feni as well?
  • No, we do not distill. We source distilled feni and then infuse, bottle, package and distribute.
  • Do you sell outside of Goa?
  • Currently we are available on Store shelves and in Bars & Restaurants in Goa only - across the North & South